Michael Wasiura on the US position regarding the plant shelling in Yeraskh: American government is ready to talk much, but do little

August 29 2023, 13:25

Opinion | Politics

American journalist Michael Wasiura has commented to Alpha News on the shelling of the Armenian-American metallurgical plant in Yeraskh by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces.

He believes that the only action that the United States will take is a tough statement to Baku, “because Washington is still not ready to ensure its military presence in the region.”

Michael Wasiura has also mentioned that the US leadership is not going to take any serious actions to finally stop the Azerbaijani aggression.

“The history of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict shows that the American government is ready to talk much, but do little,” he said.

“The fact that the metallurgical plant, in which American money was invested, is under threat, still does not affect Washington’s intention to react to this situation differently,” the American journalist added.