Harut Sasoonian: Every action of Pashinyan harms us

September 13 2023, 10:41

Opinion | Politics

Stating that Artsakh is part of Azerbaijan, Pashinyan once again confirmed his anti-national and cowardly position, Harut Sasoonian, publisher and editor-in-chief of The California Courier, said in an interview with Alpha News.

“I am no longer surprised that neither Pashinyan nor the National Assembly congratulated the newly elected President of Artsakh, since they are members of the same group and pursue the same anti-national goals. Every day they pave the way for the failure of the Armenians. If we had a leader who understood what international politics is, he would be able to lead Armenia the right way and create the right relations with many countries, be it Russia, the United States, China or India. But every action of Pashinyan harms us more than it helps, because he does not know how to govern the country,” Sasoonian said.

According to Sasoonian, the only way to avoid another loss and save Artsakh is a change of power.

“In order to avoid further losses, we need Pashinyan to resign as soon as possible. Then we will need a leader who will be able to protect the interests of Artsakh and Armenia, as well as establish proper relations with international partners,” Sasoonian concluded.