Red Cross provides humanitarian aid to those who stayed in Artsakh, says ICRC spokesperson

October 31 2023, 18:00


The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) provides humanitarian aid to those who have stayed in Artsakh after it came under the control of Azerbaijan, said Martin Schüepp, the Director of Operations of the ICRC.

According to Schüepp, some of the people need medical assistance, others need food and water. He noted that the ICRC provides medicines and helps establish contact with relatives, etc.

“Today, few people remain in their homes either because they have decided to stay there or because they cannot leave on their own, perhaps because they are elderly or have limited opportunities and need help,” Schüepp said.

When asked whether the ICRC cooperates with the Azerbaijani authorities, Schüepp replied that the committee collaborates with all relevant agencies of the Azerbaijani authorities to help those in need.