Harut Sassounian: Azerbaijan spent millions but could not convince senators to pass an anti-Armenian resolution

November 25 2023, 11:35


Azerbaijan spent millions of dollars but could not convince senators to pass an anti-Armenian resolution, publisher and editor of the California Courier Harut Sassounian told Alpha News.

“In recent years, Azerbaijan has been spending millions of dollars on various lobbying organizations. Even with these millions, Turkiye and Azerbaijan were unable to convince a single senator to vote against the Armenians and accept a pro-Turkish position. They wasted these tens of millions of dollars, and this at a time when the Turkish economy is bankrupt, the lira has almost lost its value, and the people in Turkiye cannot go to the market and buy some food.

And at this time, Erdogan is spending millions and constructing a 30-story building, which is a senseless waste of money and bragging. Erdogan generally likes to look like an influential world leader. In addition, recently he tried his best to become a mediator between the Palestinians and Israel, but when he saw that neither Israel nor Palestine was paying attention to him, he began to make offensive remarks against Israel,” Sassounian said.

Our interlocutor, as an Armenian living in the United States, is dissatisfied with his government. According to Sassounian, the US only talks and does not act.

“Lately, we have been very dissatisfied with the American government, which never takes any specific steps but only says that peace is necessary and that Azerbaijan should not attack. There was a congressional hearing on, I think, September 11, when two senior State Department officials said that any attack by Azerbaijan was unacceptable to the United States, and if an attack occurred, there would be consequences. A few days later, Aliyev attacked and captured the rest of Artsakh,” Sassounian said.

Sassounian claims that neither Europe nor the United States apply sanctions against Azerbaijan, and Aliyev subsequently continues to pursue his policy and get away with his crimes.