Armenia to propose solution to issue of Russian TV channels broadcasting 

March 18 2024, 18:00


Armenia will soon present new proposals to Russia regarding the solution to the issue of broadcasting Russian TV channels, Minister of High-Tech Industry Mkhitar Hayrapetyan said during the briefing on Monday.

“Consultations will be soon held in Moscow, during which the Armenian side will present its proposals on the solution of the issue. The solutions stem from the Armenian-Russian agreement and Armenia’s state interests, which consist in broadcasting such TV content that under no circumstances implies interference in Armenia’s internal affairs, insults the state symbols of Armenia and the state as a whole, as well as the feelings and dignity of our people,” he said.

Hayrapetyan noted that the latest consultations on the topic were held in December, but, according to him, nothing has changed.

“It means that the tools set forth in the agreement, designed to prevent such events, do not work. Taking this into account, we have come up with our proposals to solve the problems,” he added.