Elizabeth Chouldjian: US presidential candidates condemned ethnic cleansing of Artsakh Armenians by Azerbaijan

November 22 2023, 09:43

Opinion | Politics

ANCA continues to work with all US presidential candidates, ANCA Communications Director Elizabeth Chouldjian said in an interview with Alpha News.

“There is a year left before the presidential elections in America, and the Armenian National Committee continues to work with all candidates. We are doing our best to understand their point of view on the Artsakh issue, on the issue of Armenia’s security, and whether they understand what huge challenges Azerbaijan has posed to Armenia,” Chouldjian said.

According to Chouldjian, the day before there was a meeting with presidential candidates, where they condemned Azerbaijan and its policy.

“Speaking about the Artsakh issue, all three Republican candidates condemned Azerbaijan and its policy. One of the candidates also noted that the Artsakh issue should be frequently covered and be the focus of international media attention. He stressed that the United States must stop providing military aid to Azerbaijan and do everything so that the people of Artsakh return to their historical homeland and live in safety. Besides him, former US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley also condemned Azerbaijan’s steps against the Armenians of Artsakh. These are the small steps that the Armenian National Committee of America continues to take to understand the position of presidential candidates on the Artsakh issue,” Chouldjian concluded.