I will try to do everything possible to get these people released, State Duma Deputy about Artsakh ex-leaders arrested by Azerbaijan

October 06 2023, 12:08

Opinion | Politics

State Duma Deputy Vitaly Milonov commented to Alpha News on the arrest of Artsakh ex-leaders by Azerbaijan.

“If I had the opportunity, I would take them through the forests, because these are normal people, I am proud to be friends with them. Azerbaijan should release these people if it claims that it stands for a civilized approach. That’s it, Azerbaijan has taken everything it needs, so these people should be released.

For my part, I will try to do everything possible to ensure that these people are released, that such a proposal is sent to all the necessary authorities. But, unfortunately, sometimes it’s difficult to do so, because we have both normal people and, relatively speaking, people who take an absolutely odious position. Well, yes, they won a military victory, I’m a military man, I understand, they turned out to be stronger, resistance was impossible,” he said.

According to Milonov, Azerbaijan will not stop there. “Unfortunately, Azerbaijan will not stop there, I am certain of it. And we will see questions military questions of Azerbaijan not only in relation to Nagorno-Karabakh, which, in accordance with international law, unfortunately, Azerbaijan had the right to take away. I am very much afraid that it will take more serious steps next. Their constant shouts about the so-called ‘Zangezur Corridor’ are talks about aggression against a sovereign republic in their purest form. This cannot be allowed under any circumstances, but I do not believe in the humanism of the current authorities of Azerbaijan. Just watch those videos of them shooting crosses again from machine guns. I can say that not a single believer would do this – neither a Christian nor a Muslim. Therefore, those who do this are not normal warriors but devil’s soldiers,” Milonov concluded.