It will be interesting to see how Turkey plans to enter Israel – Yevgeny Satanovsky

July 30 2024, 15:26


Speaking with Alpha News, Russian political scientist, founder and president of the Institute of the Middle East, Professor Yevgeny Satanovsky commented on Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan’s statement that the country might enter Israel the same way it had done in Nagorno-Karabakh and Libya.

According to the expert, it will be interesting to see how Turkey will enter Israel.

“There is nothing stopping Erdogan from simply talking, let him talk. It will be interesting to see how Turkey will enter Israel. Will it organize a naval or air operation? It will be interesting to ask what the Turkish General Staff thinks about this. Turkey, as far as I understand, is not yet able to cope with the Kurds, not to mention Israel. Turkey has not been able to suppress the Kurdish resistance for decades.

This is despite the fact that Syria and Turkey have a common border, Iraq has a common border, and the Turkish Kurds simply live on the territory of this country, so the Turkish army can do nothing with them anyway. Will be curious to see how it plans to start a war with Israel, a nuclear state,” Satanovsky said.

“As for Turkey’s participation in the Second Karabakh War, which Erdogan mentioned, in fact, it was Azerbaijani troops—not Turkish troops—that entered Karabakh, but with the active support of Turkey. As for Libya, this was a limited operation that was carried out in agreement with the Tripoli government. But will the Israeli government discuss anything with Turkey? Very doubtful. Israel has already reminded Erdogan of the fate of Saddam Hussein. They reminded him based on historical logic,” Satanovsky concluded.