Moscow’s Tapan Museum showcases Martiros Saryan’s canvas for first time in 105 years

June 26 2024, 16:12


On June 20, the Tapan Museum of Moscow’s Armenian temple complex opened an exhibition displaying one of the almost unknown canvases of great Armenian artist, painter and graphic artist, one of the founders of the Armenian national school of painting and master of landscape and still life Martiros Saryan, armenianchurch. ru reports.

The canvas entitled Red Horse was painted in 1919. A century later, the painting was exhibited for the first time as a sign of gratitude and admiration.

At the request of the Primate of the Russian and New Nakhichevan Diocese, Archbishop Yezras Nersisyan, the painting was provided for temporary exposition by collector Valery Dudakov, with whom the museum has been successfully cooperating and curating exhibitions for many years. Dudakov said that he acquired the painting in the 1980s and never exhibited it.

Saryan’s painting will decorate the main hall of the Tapan Museum, along with the paintings of renowned artists Hovhannes Aivazovsky, Gevorg Bashinjaghian, Vartan Makhokhian, Jean Jansem, Jean Carzou, Vardges Sureniants, and Minas Avetisyan.