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Iran seeks to deepen relations with Armenia – Alpha Economics

October 02 2024, 16:00


Armenian-Iranian relations are at a fairly active stage of development, at least in terms of Iran’s statements about readiness for cooperation in various areas and initiatives. How properly the Armenian authorities respond and how reasonably they act can be judged by a number of circumstances and, first of all, by the “speed” of the implementation of joint Armenian-Iranian projects.

First, briefly about the situation in the region. From September 30 to October 1, Yerevan has been hosting meetings of the Eurasian Economic Forum and the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council. The agenda included both issues of expanding Iran-EAEU cooperation and the importance of the third Armenia-Iran power transmission line project. If the first matter is important for us, first of all, in terms of deepening the trade turnover between Armenia and Iran, the statistics on which are at least unsatisfactory, then the importance of the second matter for the country is much greater.

The third transmission line project is important for Armenia’s energy security in the context of expanding the gas-for-electricity program with Iran as well as participation in regional energy projects. Meanwhile, the terms for the implementation of the project by the Armenian side were constantly delayed, regardless of Iran’s constant statements on this matter.
A large Iranian trade center opened in Yerevan yesterday. The opening of a similar Armenian center in Iran is on the agenda. Recently, Iran facilitated the entry of Armenian transport, bringing it to the level of the requirement of a customs transit document. This was another important step by the friendly country, demonstrating its readiness to deepen relations.
The issue of ensuring Armenia’s access to a very important Iranian initiative, a regional transit project connecting the port of Chabahar and the Persian Gulf with the Black Sea, was also raised recently by the Iranian Minister of Commerce.

All this reflects that friendly Iran understands the importance of relations with Armenia, which requires appropriate response actions.