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Sacred movement in September. Ways to change power. Constitution in 2027. Alpha Newsroom 08/30/24

August 30 2024, 21:00

Today in Alpha Newsroom:

🔹The Sacred Movement in September and the ways to change power

🔹 The issue of changing the constitution: Aliyev insists, Pashinyan is preparing for 2027

🔹The disinformation attack in the direction of Nakhichevan and the risk of a new military aggression

🔹What can Armenia get from the November 9 trilateral agreements, is it possible to revive them?

🔹 What can Armenia get from the Armenian-Russian treaty of 1997, about which the Russian side made a statement?

🔹 For Russia, Azerbaijan cannot take the place of Armenia – Konstantin Zatulin

🔹US election: What is decided for Armenia, the US and the new world?

🔹The political aspect of the arrest of the Telegram founder who left Baku for Paris