Russian MFA spokesperson says reopening transport in South Caucasus crucial for Armenia-Azerbaijan relations

October 18 2023, 13:07


Reopening transport communications in the South Caucasus is the key element of the Armenian-Azerbaijani reconciliation, Spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said.

“Reopening transport communications in the South Caucasus is a key element of the Armenian-Azerbaijani normalization, built on the basis of a set of trilateral agreements at the highest level for 2020-2022,” she said.

According to Zakharova, the tripartite working group co-chaired by vice premiers of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan has been entrusted to address this issue.

“As of now, 12 meetings of the working group have been held, with a detailed examination of potential railway and road routes being discussed,” Zakharova noted.

She stressed that progress has been achieved following the 12th meeting, as parties reached consensus on details for reopening transport communications between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

“A consensus has been reached on the implementation of concrete steps to reopen and manage railway communication along the Yeraskh–Julfa–Meghri–Horadiz route. In our work, we proceed from the need to observe the principles of reciprocity, respect for the sovereignty, and jurisdiction of both countries,” Zakharova said, noting that success in unblocking communications will also contribute to other areas of trilateral work, including the peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the process of delimitation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, as well as the start of a dialogue between public figures and parliamentarians.