So-called Zangezur corridor is issue of big geopolitics, says military expert

January 12 2024, 11:06

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Russian military expert Konstantin Sivkov commented on the statement by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev about the so-called “Zangezur corridor”.

“This statement stems from several factors. The first factor is that Aliyev feels empowered. He is firmly confident that Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan will not resist. So he gives him an ultimatum.

The second factor is that Aliyev is a person who, in addition to defending the interests of his country, is also an ally of Turkiye, and Turkiye is a member of NATO. Turkiye wants to create a free corridor. In these conditions, Turkiye acts as Azerbaijan’s ally and pushes Azerbaijan to take these actions.

The third factor is the United States and, in general, the united West, which is pushing Azerbaijan and Turkiye to similar actions since they are extremely interested in creating a zone of tension in this region. They are interested in Russia losing its image and influence in this region. If they manage to persuade Armenia to take such actions, Russia will, although not very significantly, lose its influence in the region.

Therefore, the set of these three forces allows Aliyev to make such statements,” Sivkov said.

According to the expert, the Americans are interested in a military conflict in the region.

“The Americans are interested in a military conflict in the region amid conditions such as the so-called Zangezur corridor. This conflict will force Russia to use all its resources in this area and will cause certain problems for Russia. The so-called Zangezur corridor is an issue of big geopolitics. We need to understand this clearly. I can say that Mr. Pashinyan can surrender all of Armenia. He is the Armenian Yeltsin,” Sivkov concluded.