The position of the Armenian authorities is aimed at dismantling the Russian-Armenian union, political scientist says

November 02 2023, 11:20

Opinion | Politics

Russian political scientist Vladimir Shapovalov commented to Alpha News on Russia’s position in the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict.

According to the political scientist, Russia has been and is the only ally and friend of the Armenian people.

“Russia is Armenia’s ally in the Collective Security Treaty Organization. Russia is not going to abandon this alliance. For many decades and in historical retrospect, Russia has been and is the only ally and friend of the Armenian people. For many years, Russia has helped out and saved the Armenian people, and it was Russia’s position that has prevented bloodshed in Karabakh.

The presence of a Russian military base, as well as an alliance agreement between Russia and Armenia, is the only guarantee against further escalation of tension in the region,” Shapovalov said.

According to the expert, the position of the Armenian authorities is aimed at dismantling the Russian-Armenian union and developing new relations with Western countries.

“The policy pursued by the current authorities is a policy that led Nikol Pashinyan to bankruptcy, to loss, and to capitulation and can lead to further victims for the Armenian people. Therefore, Russia’s position plays an important role, but Russia cannot provide assistance to Armenia in a situation where the Armenian political elite itself is not interested in protecting the national interests of the country.

Russia, of course, maintains and will maintain good relations with Armenia and the Armenian people. Russia will protect the interests of its ally within the limits of its capabilities. But as you know, it was the leader of Armenia who, with his declarations, statements, and decisions, actually ensured the legitimacy of Azerbaijan’s actions, including military actions against Karabakh,” the expert concluded.