Vigen Hakobyan: Humanitarian cargo should not be Azeri-Turkish, it’s a red line for Artsakh 

September 16 2023, 11:47


Humanitarian cargo should not be sent from Azerbaijan and Turkiye, it’s a red line for Artsakh, political strategist Vigen Hakobyan told Alpha News.

“Stepanakert’s role is not so direct, because it was Russia – represented by the leadership of the Russian peacekeeping mission – that took part in the negotiations. So, now the ball is in Russia’s court. It is trying to implement the agreement reached in connection with the passage of one truck, followed by the opening of the Lachin road. In this case, Russia considers it a big problem that these agreements have not been implemented. Here it is not only the question of Russia’s image, but also the question of Russia’s functionality,” the political strategist said.

According to Vigen Hakobyan, it is fundamental for Baku that its cargo enters Artsakh.

“For Azerbaijan, of course, it is fundamental that the goods it sends enter Artsakh as a symbol of reintegration, showing that Azerbaijan is supplying food and other essential goods to one of its regions. The red line for Artsakh in this case is not the opening of the Aghdam road. Artsakh, as a sovereign state, decides itself which country’s humanitarian aid to accept. The red line is that this aid should not come from Azerbaijan and Turkiye,” Hakobyan concluded.