Withdrawal from CSTO will lead Armenia to military collapse – Bogdan Bezpalko

August 07 2024, 11:40

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Russian political scientist Bogdan Bezpalko commented on Armenia’s latest refusal to participate in the Collective Security Treaty Organization exercises.

According to the expert, withdrawal from the CSTO will lead Armenia to military collapse.

“Of course, this will not have the best effect on Russian-Armenian relations. For now, we can say that the Armenian authorities are moving towards the West but have not yet left the Russian sphere of influence, and Armenia is not leaving the CSTO. However, of course, such steps bring Armenia’s withdrawal from this organization closer, as well as from other organizations—I mean, the Eurasian Economic Union—which will lead Armenia to economic and military collapse. It is difficult to say when this will happen. Perhaps healthy forces in Armenia will win in Armenia and will stop these processes,” Bezpalko said.

Speaking about Russia’s reaction, the expert noted that Moscow will take measures when Armenia actually leaves the CSTO.

“Russia’s reaction is surely restrained. Russia can respond with a statement, express regret, cautiously express its dissatisfaction with the actions of the Armenian authorities, and express that by taking such steps, Armenia can lead its state to difficulties, to a conflict, to confrontation, and to being used by other states. However, Russia will basically take some measures when Armenia takes the final steps and sends letters about leaving the CSTO and the EAEU.

After that, for example, the commodity and labor markets will automatically be closed. But these are questions for the future. Until formal decisions are made, all this is perceived as a slap in the face of Russia,” Bezpalko concluded. https://alphanews.am/ru/vihod-iz-odkb-privedet-armeniyu-k-voenn/