Andranik Tevanyan: The authorities are most concerned about the Mother Armenia bloc

February 06 2024, 10:39


The Public Voice Party and the authorities are engaged in trading, Mother Armenia bloc leader Andranik Tevanyan told Alpha News.

“The Public Voice Party helped Avinyan become mayor and helped increase parking fees and taxes. In this regard, we consider the Public Voice an unofficial coalition partner of the Yerevan authorities and, more precisely, a client with whom the authorities are engaged in open trading. It is obvious that behind-the-scenes trading is very expensive for the ruling Civil Contract Party, and they decided not to agree with the head of the Public Voice but to engage in the so-called cattle raiding,” Tevanyan said.

According to him, the authorities are trying to cooperate with members of the Public Voice.

“Cattle raiding means that they try to cooperate with individual members. It is cheaper for the authorities. They have a problem securing a quorum. As for the attacks against Mother Armenia, I believe they have both republican and local significance. A few days ago, when I was having a press conference, I mentioned that we know that they want to increase the fare; that’s why they want to unseat members of the city council. Today it was reported that they want to raise the fare up to 260 drams,” he said.

According to him, the authorities are mostly concerned about Mother Armenia.

“A citizen is not subject to fines and looting. They want to increase the fare, and, of course, they have to attack the opposition factions. Four people from our group and one person from the National Progress were attacked. If we add to this the terrorist actions and the persecutions that took place against various members of our faction, it will become clear that these authorities are most concerned about the Mother Armenia bloc. But the authorities will not succeed because our policy will not change,” Tevanyan concluded.