Erdogan actually acknowledged Turkey’s participation in the Karabakh conflict – Abbas Juma

July 31 2024, 10:51

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, international journalist Abbas Juma commented on the statement by Turkish President Erdogan that the country might enter Israel the same way it had entered Nagorno-Karabakh and Libya.

According to the journalist, if Erdogan really decides to declare war on Israel, it would be interesting to see what form this will take and what it will ultimately lead to.

“In fact, this is a very serious statement. It is important that it came from the mouth of the President of Turkey. If it came from the mouth of some official or even a minister, one could say that this was the private opinion of some official or minister. But this is Turkey’s position, which the leader of the country has outlined publicly. In this regard, I have a question: what does Mr. Erdogan intend to do next? If these are just words, or, to put it simply, hype, this will, of course, greatly damage Erdogan’s authority among Muslims.

His authority has already been shaken recently, even among those who were traditionally considered Erdogan’s admirers, followers. I am now primarily referring to the Syrian militants, not to mention the hype over the deaths of Palestinians,” Juma said.

“If words are followed by actions—if he really decides to declare war on Israel, which I hardly believe—I cannot really imagine how it will be. I would like to see in what form it will happen and what it will ultimately lead to. Israel’s reaction was not entirely appropriate either. Comparing Erdogan with Hussein (Saddam Hussein, Iraq’s president who was executed – ed.), in my opinion, is not entirely correct. After all, Turkey is not Iraq. Turkey is NATO’s second army and, most importantly, a NATO member. Turkey has a very well-developed military and industrial complex. In this sense, I do not really understand why the Israelis still firmly believe that America will come to the rescue,” Juma emphasized.

According to the expert, Erdogan’s words are an attempt to “hype” the agenda.

“As for the seriousness of Mr. Erdogan’s statement, I have a hard time imagining a full-fledged armed conflict between Turkey and Israel. Of course, like most people, I am inclined to consider this a ‘hype’, a PR stunt, an attempt to ‘hype’ the agenda. Especially since the eyes of all Muslims around the world are now on the tragedy in Palestine. Of course, he went too far. After all, this is not the topic and not the time for such PR, unless he really wants to portray something, that is, unless he wants to limit himself to statements. I cannot completely discard the scenario of a military conflict. In theory, anything is possible,” Juma noted.

According to the expert, Erdogan has actually acknowledged Turkey’s participation in the Karabakh conflict.

“Erdogan’s statement will be remembered not only for its belligerence but also for its sincerity, because he actually acknowledged Turkey’s participation in the Karabakh conflict, thereby putting both the Azerbaijani and Armenian authorities in an extremely awkward position,” Juma concluded.