“Only the recognition of Genocide can establish peace between Armenia and Turkiye”: Sarkozy on Armenia in his book

August 29 2023, 17:23


In the light of the August holidays, the silence of French literary and political world was interrupted by the third book of memoirs of the sixth President of France Nicolas Sarkozy, The Time of Battles.

In his book, Sarkozy touched upon the topic of the Caucasus, expressed his point of view regarding the Russian-Ukrainian war and spoke about the role of France in this context. According to the ex-president, it is completely different from the policy of the current leader of France, Emmanuel Macron.

The book was published on August 18 and received mixed reviews. Sarkozy was accused of pro-Putin views, because he stated that Russia would not leave the region due to its geographical position, therefore, it is necessary to sit down at the negotiating table to reach compromises.

Sarkozy believes that Ukraine should not join either the EU or NATO. He reminded that he had been against Turkiye’s entry into the EU.

“Europe is on the edge of a volcano which can erupt at any moment. Diplomacy and discussions have not been fully used, and now it is time to use them,” the ex-president wrote.

Nicolas Sarkozy repeatedly mentioned the Armenian Genocide in different parts of the book. He spoke about his impressions of visiting Tsitsernakaberd, the Armenian Genocide Memorial complex.

“The experience of the Armenians during the First World War was completely inexpressible. The Turks exterminated them with diabolical methods,” he noted in his book, adding that what happened in 1915 is an indelible blight on human history.

Sarkozy emphasized that only the recognition of the Armenian Genocide can establish peace between Armenia and Turkiye. He told about his serious dispute with the president of Turkiye Erdogan over the Armenian genocide, and noted that a simple request to recognize this terrible crime committed a century ago is considered to be an insult to the entire nation of this country.

“For me, it was indisputable,” Sarkozy noted.

“Among other Caucasian countries, Armenia is closest to France. France has always had exceptional relations with this country. This friendship has deep historical roots, which are also shaped by the tragedy of the Genocide, when France sheltered tens of thousands of Armenians who survived the pogroms.”

In his book, Sarkozy touched upon the geopolitical situation in Azerbaijan and Georgia. He also spoke about Charles Aznavour and his role in Armenian-French relations. The ex-president also expressed his assumptions about the role of France in the region today.

It should be noted that Nicolas Sarkozy is the first foreign president in the world, on whose initiative the commemorative ceremony to honor victims of the Armenian Genocide was officially held.

Every year, since April 24, 2012, a tribute is paid to 1.5. million martyrs near the Komitas statue in Yerevan Park on the Champs-Elysees, with representatives of the French authorities participating.

The first two volumes of Sarkozy’s memoirs, Promenades and The Time of Storms, became bestsellers in France. According to political experts, the headlines chosen by the ex-president and his behind-the-scenes “revelations” contributed to the success of these books.

For instance, in The Time of Storms he told his readers how the fashion model and singer Carla Bruni became his second wife, how he tried to protect her from gossip, and what challenges they had to go through.

The audio versions of first two volumes are voiced by Nicolas Sarkozy himself: this is how he conducts a direct dialogue with the French people, talking about the realities from his point of view.