Peaceful normalization in Caucasus does not meet US national interests – Andrey Klimov

July 12 2024, 09:44


Speaking with Alpha News, Deputy Chair of Russia’s Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs Andrey Klimov commented on the meeting of the Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers, Ararat Mirzoyan and Jeyhun Bayramov, which took place at the initiative of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Washington.

“The United States is interested in increasing tensions in the Caucasus. A peaceful normalization in the Caucasus does not meet the national interests of the United States. It should be noted that Yerevan has one of the largest US embassies abroad. Commenting on the outgoing administration of Joe Biden is no longer very productive because the chances that his team will remain in the White House are decreasing with each passing day. As for Blinken and other figures, they are inveterate Russophobes. The worse it is for us, the better it is for them,” Klimov said.

According to the senator, the US goal is to foment a conflict in the Caucasus.

“In the US, no one thinks seriously about the people of Azerbaijan or the people of Armenia. They have a goal, defined by the law of the United States of America, to contain Russia, and to contain Russia as an enemy of Armenia. Nothing is written in this law about the Armenian and Azerbaijani people. The United States is not interested in Armenia or Azerbaijan. For them, Armenia and Azerbaijan are elements of foreign policy that allow them to do something or not do something. Their goal is not to help one or other people. On the contrary, their goal is to foment a conflict situation in the Caucasus,” Klimov concluded.