Semyon Bagdasarov: Russia has finally realized that Turkiye is a situational ally

December 23 2023, 14:35

Opinion | Politics

Each country uses the other to its advantage, and Russia has finally realized that Turkiye is just a situational ally, Semyon Bagdasarov (@sbagdasarov), Director of the Center for the Study of the Middle East and Central Asia, told Alpha News, commenting on the prospects for the development of Russian-Turkish relations in the coming year.

“It is strong wording. Turkiye understands Russia perfectly well. And here everyone will look for their own benefit.

Russia needs the TurkStream; it needs a market. So, everyone will be guided by their own interests, and these relations will be such that at any moment you can expect surprises from the Turkish side —another backstabbing. Erdogan is like that. He is very cynical; he scolds and curses Israel, but he does not stop trade with it,” Bagdasarov said.

Speaking about Russia-Iran relations, the expert stressed that the two countries have interests in one another.

“Iran is a huge market, and why not enter this market more boldly? I think this interest will persist in the near future,” Bagdasarov concluded.