Senator Andrey Klimov: All objective reasons not to sign the peace treaty have disappeared

December 28 2023, 10:27

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Senator Andrey Klimov commented on the statement of the press secretary of the Russian President, Dmitry Peskov, that it is very important for Russia that Armenia and Azerbaijan sign a peace treaty as quickly as possible.

According to the senator, “if we manage not to react to the provocations of our enemies, the region will gain the desired peace and security.”

“In my opinion, all objective reasons not to sign this agreement have disappeared and, thus, this 30-year-old conflict could be completely reduced to nothing. This would be in the interests of not only Azerbaijan and Armenia but also all other countries in the region, including Russia.

We’ll see what happens next, but I know that this step towards signing a peace agreement has enemies who are located far from this region but who, nevertheless, really want to create tension along the Russian borders. This is not the first time these enemies have done this and, unfortunately, sometimes they succeed.

If we manage not to react to the provocations of these unfriendly countries and still move in the direction that is now becoming clearer, then, it seems to me, this region will gain the desired peace and security,” Klimov said.