Very dark and turbulent times are coming for Armenia, expert says

March 13 2024, 10:00

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Russian political scientist Aslan Rubaev commented on the latest statements regarding Armenia’s membership in the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).

According to the expert, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has already prepared the ground for quitting the CSTO.

“The latest statements on Armenia’s membership in the CSTO cannot but cause concerns. We must say that Armenia will eventually quit this organization in the near future because Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has already prepared the ground for it. Unfortunately, we see and state that relations with Russia are collapsing unilaterally. Pashinyan accuses Moscow, and therefore the CSTO, of inaction. Pashinyan has already stated that he will look for alternative security organizations. He is probably alluding to the presence of the North Atlantic Alliance in the region. This fits very well with the foreign policy schemes of the French President and the White House. That is, the collective West today wants to withdraw Armenia from the CSTO and introduce a NATO peacekeeping mission. Pashinyan will do what is necessary for this. We see that he is not striving for constructive relations with Moscow. We see that he is not striving for the constructive development of Armenia. Unfortunately, Pashinyan is not a pro-Armenian force and is not ready to defend the sovereignty and security of Armenia and the Armenian people.

Today, it has become absolutely obvious for all those who have not realized it before. Withdrawal from the CSTO opens a huge flow of troubles for Armenia because Armenia loses its security. Armenia loses the shield that protected it for many years,” Rubaev said.

According to the political scientist, those allied relations that were built between Russia and Armenia are unfortunately lost.
“We have lost our main strategic partner in the South Caucasus. Armenia was our main ally. Today I anticipate that we will no longer be allies. As a result, Armenia will lose its huge economic potential. Our relations will soon deteriorate and will resemble those with Georgia. Unfortunately, Pashinyan acts against the interests of the Armenian people. But Moscow is ready for constructive actions on the part of Armenia, which, unfortunately, are not yet here. Let us hope for a positive resolution to this misunderstanding. But I am afraid that we will no longer be partners and allies. Armenia will very soon follow the path of harsh anti-Russian rhetoric. The entire Armenian community, the expert community, and part of the decision-making elite in Armenia today are working on this. Therefore, very dark and turbulent times are coming for Armenia,” Rubaev concluded.