Memory loss causes tragedy and catastrophe, as well as the destruction of nations – Timofei Yermakov

September 28 2024, 14:16


War correspondent Timofei Yermakov told Alpha News about his personal experiences of the 44-day war in Artsakh and emphasized that four years later it has become completely obvious that the Armenian government put on a bloody performance and simply surrendered the Republic of Artsakh.

“I feel great pain, because I myself am in a sense a part of this people. My grandmother, although she never saw her father, is Armenian. I have probably already told this story. I learned about this after the cessation of hostilities on November 9. She told me about it, and it was a revelation for me. It not only touched me but even immersed me in this topic, because the tragedy of the Armenian people continues before our eyes.

And I perceive it exactly as a catastrophe and a tragedy. It is terrible that after more than 100 years, the Genocide of the Armenian people by the Turks is happening again. Again, the same people, the same Turkish weapons, and the Turkish command are destroying the Armenian people. Of course, I worry about our Armenian brothers.

But I know that time does not stand still. The events in Artsakh showed this, because in the 1990s the Armenian people won. They mobilized very strongly. Such heroes as Monte Melkonyan and, in fact, Robert Kocharyan appeared. And then, for some reason, there was calmness, which turned into the so-called relaxation, and the enemy mobilized and won. All this only confirms that if the Armenian people rise up, they will be able to punish both enemies and traitors. I am simply sure—and over these 4 years I have not changed my opinion—that in relation to this war there was a planned treacherous operation.

And now, judging by the photos with Erdogan and smiling Pashinyan, who actually acts as his henchman, as his agent, we see that this was a planned operation, or as I call it, a small lost war. He was faced with the task of organizing a small lost war because he could not simply surrender Artsakh and implement the policy of Ter-Petrosyan, whose minion he is. Pashinyan needed war, blood, and death for this.

He put on a bloody performance, and unfortunately, Armenian boys, thousands of Armenian families became extras and just crowd in this bloody performance. Hundreds of thousands of Armenian residents of Artsakh were forced to leave their homes, left homeless. Can you imagine what this is? These are wounds that will not heal for a very long time, but, frankly speaking, as long as people remember this, we have hope for a change in the situation, because memory loss, oblivion cause tragedy and catastrophe, as well as the erasure of the people as such,” the war correspondent emphasized.