Union of Russian Armenians condemns Armenian authorities’ policy of unilateral concessions

April 22 2024, 11:43


The Union of Armenians of Russia condemned online harassment organized in Armenia against Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan, as well as the forceful methods and intimidation used against residents of Armenian villages who stood up for their right to live in their homeland.

“What is happening around the four border villages, which the Armenian authorities decided to unconditionally surrender to the enemy, has nothing to do with the peace agenda despite the manipulative statements by the Armenian authorities.

Contrary to Pashinyan’s assurances, the loss of Artsakh did not result in peace. His desire to please Aliyev in every possible way, devaluing the heroism and honor of those who fell for the freedom and independence of our homeland, did not deter Azerbaijan from further occupation of Armenian territories, with the lands of 31 Armenian villages being under Azerbaijan’s control today.

Without trying to resolve this issue, which is fundamental for the preservation of Armenian statehood, the government is making new concessions, shifting responsibility for its obviously failed policy since 2018 to anyone except the current government, the main responsible party. This is the government that, in violation of the country’s Constitution, redraws the borders of its own state in favor of Baku without a referendum, despite the growing anti-Armenian rhetoric and policy of the latter and despite the fact that Armenian prisoners, including the top officials of Artsakh, are languishing in Baku jail.

All these unilateral concessions, which are not supported—neither by Baku nor by third states or international structures—by documented and legal guarantees to stop Azerbaijan’s further aggression, will never lead to peace. This is another manipulation and deception, followed by new humiliating concessions, losses, and a new war in case they are not stopped now. Stopping them is what residents of Tavush villages are trying to do today.

The issue of these villages is not about the border, its demarcation, or protection; it is not about reducing threats to Armenia’s security, as the Armenian authorities assure. This is a matter of morality, honor and conscience. Today, it is not the fate of the residents of Baghanis, Voskepar, Kirants and Berkaber that is being decided in Tavush. It is the fate of Armenian statehood and every Armenian, regardless of whether they live in Armenia, Russia, Europe, Asia or America, that is being decided.

The Union of Armenians of Russia expresses its strong support to Archbishop Bagrat and the residents of the border villages—from teenagers to 96-year-old Lena Gardashyan—who today, defending the Armenian national interests, have become a symbol of Conscience and Honor. We must win, and for this, we must be together,” the Union said in a statement.