Armenia, like other CIS countries, is gradually emancipating itself from Russia, political scientist says

November 24 2023, 13:06

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Russian political scientist Dmitry Zhuravlev commented on the current level of Armenian-Russian relations and his vision of the political crisis between the countries.

“The crisis comes as Armenia, like other CIS countries, is gradually emancipating itself from Russia. At the same time, Armenia, with the help of Russia, once managed to defend itself in the previous Armenian-Azerbaijani war, but now it is looking for economic partners. It especially sees France as its economic partner. Under these conditions, relations with Russia become, I will not say hostile, but not as friendly as they used to be. That is, on the one hand, a natural process; on the other hand, a regrettable process—the separation of our countries.

And this leads to a dead end, because France will help Armenia, but I do not think that this help will be as impressive as Armenia hoped,” the expert said.

Zhuravlev is rather pessimistic about the development of Armenian-Russian relations and sees an increasing level of mutual alienation between the two countries in the near future.

“I don’t see any movement in the near term. Armenia will increasingly isolate itself and try to emphasize its independence and autonomy. This is quite understandable and expected. We will definitely not interfere with this. For what? But as a result, there will simply be a country of Armenia, there will be a country of Russia, and they will live separately,” Zhuravlev concluded.