Azerbaijan sees threats from Russia, says political scientist

November 07 2023, 10:15

Opinion | Politics

Prime Minister of Armenia Pashinyan made some promises to Aliyev that he was obliged to fulfill, orientalist and political scientist Andranik Hovhannisyan told Alpha News, touching upon the summit of the Organization of Turkic States held in Kazakhstan.

“When we talk about Armenia, we should note that Turkish President Recep Erdogan said that Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan allegedly made some promises to Aliyev that he is obliged to fulfill. After the complete occupation of Artsakh, it becomes clear that the promises were about a corridor, which plays a dominant role in the program for unifying the Turkic world. The presidents of Turkiye and Azerbaijan also confirmed this during the summit. They noted that the corridor, which will pass through the territory of Armenia, will unite the entire Turkic world from Istanbul to China,” Hovhannisyan said.

The orientalist is confident that Azerbaijan sees threats even from Russia․

“The President of Kazakhstan, Tokayev, voiced a certain term such as the ‘Turkic world.’ I think that by putting forward this term, the Turkic states, especially the Turkic-speaking states of Central Asia, are trying to resist the so-called ‘Russian World’ program. They see threats emanating from Moscow. They believe that the Russian authorities are trying to extend their control in Central Asia as well as in Azerbaijan, which is also a former Soviet state,” Hovhannisyan noted.