Hamazkayin Aris Stambolian Cultural Center opened in United States

On February 1, the opening ceremony of the Hamazkayin Aris Stambolian Cultural Center was held in the United States. Hovig Seraydarian, Deputy Chair of the Hamazkayin regional office, conducted the opening ceremony.

Manoug Joukhajian, Chair of Hamazkayin Western USA Regional Executive, touched upon the many years of work and realization of the dream of having a center of his own, expressing gratitude to the main benefactors Aris Stambolian and Albert and Terry Bezjian. He thanked all those who helped in the establishment of the center.

Archbishop Kegham Khacherian, Prelate of the Western Prelacy of the United States, reaffirmed that the opening of the new center is proof of faith and commitment to the national mission. The consecration of the center was also held, and guests honorably cut the ribbon.

At the end of the official opening ceremony, the invited guests familiarized themselves with the activities of the branch and participated in the exhibition.