ICRC teams visit Artsakh communities to provide necessary assistance

October 19 2023, 16:40


Teams of the International Committee of the Red Cross are visiting communities in Artsakh in their search to provide help to people after the huge exodus that followed the recent escalation of hostilities, the official website of the ICRC reports.

“A small number of people remain in their homes, either by choice or because they were unable to leave by themselves.

Some require medical help or food and water. Others are requesting assistance in contacting loved ones or securing transport to leave.

Our teams have also assisted in the careful removal of people who have died, onwards to mortuary facilities for appropriate and dignified care.

Teams in the city are in contact with a small number of residents who remain in their homes and we are constantly finding new individuals. Homes, shops and offices have been left abandoned and many dogs and cats can be seen in the streets,” the statement reads.