Pashinyan: According to paragraph 9 of the November 9 trilateral declaration, it is Armenia that should guarantee the security of communications

September 10 2024, 13:20


We are ready to start implementing the “Crossroads of Peace” project at any time, including ensuring transport links between the main part of Azerbaijan and Nakhichevan, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said at the opening of the Yerevan Dialogue conference.

“However, it seems that not all of our partners are inclined to take advantage of the opportunity that we offer. In particular, there is a lot of discussion about how the project corresponds to the trilateral declaration of November 9, 2020. The trilateral declaration is presented as a document that implies that the security of these communications should be provided by third forces or a third country. This has nothing to do with reality,” Pashinyan said.

He quoted paragraph 9 of the November 9 trilateral declaration and stressed that it is Armenia that should guarantee the security of the opening of communications.

“Referring to the November 9 trilateral declaration, some international partners are trying to present something that is not mentioned in the declaration. And there is no such provision, according to which another country should control any territory of Armenia, there is no such provision at all,” he said.