US uses Armenia as a pawn, political scientist says

August 01 2024, 12:56

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, political scientist Alexander Bedritsky commented on the statement by US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O’Brien that the US is creating conditions for helping Armenia get further from Russia.

According to the expert, everything that the United States is trying to do is not in the interests of Armenia, but in the interests of the United States.

“Armenia has neighbors, and there is no escape from them. These are Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iran, and, of course, Russia, which is also nearby and influences all these situations. The United States is far away. Everything that the United States is trying to do is not in the interests of Armenia, but in the interests of the United States. The United States is in a tough conflict with Russia. That is why, in this case, Armenia is simply being used as a pawn. They have Pashinyan, who will make decisions that are beneficial to the United States,” Bedritsky said.

According to the political scientist, all this threatens Armenia with further loss of sovereignty.

“In this case, the interests of the United States and Turkey coincide, and this threatens Armenia with a further loss of sovereignty, at least because the United States does not have any corridor to Armenia, and in any case, it will simply not be able to supply anything. Armenia will continue to lose its sovereignty and will undergo marginalization of the state in approximately the same way as Ukraine did,” Bedritsky concluded.