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Surprising confession from the French Minister of Defense

October 02 2023, 23:30

It all started with the fact that we were divided…
Everything in Armenia and Artsakh that has happened since 2018 was exactly the opposite of what was stated from the “revolutionary tribunes”. They promised “love and tolerance”, but gave “hatred and tragedy, they promised “not to make decisions on Artsakh behind the backs of the people”, but behind the backs of the people they brought the negotiation process to a dead end, they declared that Artsakh is Armenia, but they brought the situation to “Artsakh is Azerbaijan,” they promised “general prosperity,” but divided everyone into “right and wrong”.

And if anyone thought that after the tragedy of September 28, when it was announced that the Republic of Artsakh would cease to exist in the new year, something would change in the country, and the authorities would realize the degree of threat looming over the country, then these people were greatly mistaken. This is clearly confirmed by the propaganda thrown at us from all possible sources.

Propaganda is trying to spread several interpretations: it tries to present Azerbaijan’s attack on Artsakh as “Russia’s attempt to drag Armenia into the war,” and also states that “Samvel Shahramanyan’s decree on the dissolution of the Republic of Artsakh is an open door for the Euro-Atlantic integration of Armenia, the initial stage of which may turn out to be the deployment of troops of one of the representatives of the Western bloc in the capital.”
Moreover, all opponents of these statements are called “agents of the Kremlin,” and they try to label any counterarguments as “Kremlin propaganda.” However, you really need to understand the situation.

First of all, we note that 120,000 Armenians living in Artsakh were citizens of the Republic of Armenia, and any government, even if it is headed by Nikol Pashinyan, was obliged to provide all necessary assistance to the citizens of their country. Moreover, a most dangerous precedent has been set when 120,000 citizens of Armenia were left to their fate with the wording “they wanted to drag us into a war, and by not helping them we saved the state from war.”

This precedent cannot guarantee that the same thing cannot happen again with citizens of the Republic of Armenia in Armenia itself.

As for the “Kremlin propaganda”, if you follow the logic of regular guests of the Public Television of Armenia, it turns out that French Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu is a “Kremlin agent”, because Lecornu said the day before that he does not think that France can protect territorial integrity of Armenia through military intervention. It turns out that the Russian President has his own agent in the French government?

It is obvious that Lecornu is not Putin’s agent, however, this specific example very clearly shows how they are trying to manipulate public opinion in Armenia today. One layer of propaganda convinces society that the West will come to Armenia to ensure its territorial integrity, the other layer labels any criticism on this issue.

All this unabated hysteria after the fall of Artsakh only suggests that Nikol Pashinyan will not stop and will continue to implement a plan aimed at a geopolitical turn in Armenia, no matter what price he has to pay for it.
Azerbaijan and Turkiye do not even hide that the next target will be the Armenian Syunik; this will be the “price of independence and sovereignty” that the authorities talk about.

There is one more detail in the situation with Syunik: the fall of Syunik, the loss of Armenia’s common border with Iran will create a situation where both Tehran and Moscow will actually lose the theoretical opportunity to provide assistance to Armenia and the Armenian people.

However, judging by the propaganda in the pro-government media, the authorities are not afraid of this; moreover, they are confident that the loss of the common border with Iran will deprive Moscow and Tehran of the opportunity to influence the Armenian domestic policy, which comes from the interests of Nikol Pashinyan.

The only thing left to do is to wish our people perseverance and strength to fight against such blatant information sabotage. The propaganda based on the logic that the French Defense Minister is a “Kremlin agent” cannot be called anything other than information sabotage and terrorism.