Metaxe Hakobyan: We left our homeland against our will under the threat of genocide

December 12 2023, 11:00

Opinion | Politics

Even being in our native Armenia, we have a problem with the very sense of homeland represented by the authorities, Metaxe Hakobyan, MP of the Republic of Artsakh from the Justice faction, told Alpha News.

“All our discussions are devoted to what we will do, what steps we should take, and where those steps can lead. We are now in an unusual situation when it turns out that even being in our native Armenia, we have a problem with the sense of homeland represented by the authorities. But I do not think that this is the factor that will force us to retreat from what we are obliged to do. Our steps can never pose a threat to both the Republic of Armenia and the Armenians as a whole.

On the contrary, all steps that we will try to take after careful consideration will be aimed at the safety of all of us and for the benefit of our common homeland. Speaking about interests, unlike the authorities, I do not mean a separate Armenia and a separate Artsakh, because the 3-year narrative that there can never be Artsakh without Armenia is a fact. This has already happened in our eyes, and now there cannot be a strong Armenia without Artsakh,” the MP noted.

According to her, today we see Armenia weakening day by day.

“Day after day, hour after hour, we see how Armenia is weakening; it is no longer perceived as a subject on international platforms. 120 thousand Armenians actually faced the threat of genocide, and this process has already begun.

We did not leave our homeland, our homes, by our will. This happened under the threat of genocide. We were forcibly displaced from our homes because ferocious Azerbaijani soldiers were already walking the streets of Stepanakert. There were more in other settlements, and the horrible things they did… There is strong evidence of torture and the murder of children. No matter how supporters and members of the Civil Contract try to protect Azerbaijani interests by targeting us, the facts cannot be distorted,” Hakobyan concluded.