Everything that is happening is Pashinyan’s political mistakes, says expert

April 23 2024, 10:16

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Russian political scientist Sergey Markelov commented on the news that the West, Turkey and Azerbaijan welcomed the transfer of the lands of the Tavush region by the Armenian authorities to Azerbaijan.

According to the expert, Azerbaijan is slowly taking away what it has planned.

“This is, of course, proof that Azerbaijan, without haste, without fanaticism, as its older brothers advised it, is taking away what it has planned. These villages are another conditional tactical victory for Azerbaijan. I am absolutely sure that all the decisions that Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is now making have some kind of political value for him. With the decision and agreement not to fight and not to cause an escalation of this conflict again, he is bargaining for something. This could be, for example, accelerated entry into the EU, some kind of regional dividends, or some kind of economic assistance.

There are political talks and political bargaining, and in these bargaining with some tactical and strategic benefits, Pashinyan gains something. In this regard, Pashinyan lives in the model that ‘Armenia is him’,” Markelov said.

According to the expert, everything that is happening is Pashinyan’s political mistakes.

“Everything that is happening is Pashinyan’s political mistakes. This is not the ability to conduct political bargaining, not the ability to conduct political conversations, not the ability to play chess, but attempts to try to play some kind of daring cowboy. I am almost sure that this whole situation in which Armenia finds itself today is a matter of political weakness. Azerbaijan is building up its political force, both in the region and in general. And Azerbaijan will continue to take away everything it can,” Markelov concluded.