It will become clear within a few days whether a coalition with Macron’s party will be created or not – Anahit Hakobyan

July 09 2024, 15:10


Far-right forces could come to power in France in the first round of the election, Anahit Hakobyan, member of the Armenian National Committee in France, told Alpha News.

“All the parties decided together that they would unite against the right-wing extremists and Marine Le Pen. In fact, something unprecedented has happened now, because it has been about 20 years since all the parties decided that they would act together against the far right. Over the years, we have seen that these far-right forces are gradually getting closer to power. They could have come to power already in the first round of this election,” she noted.

According to her, it will become clear within a few days whether a coalition with Macron’s party will be created or not.

“This may cause some kind of crisis situation, but we will understand this in the coming days. In reality, meetings are already being held with the left-wing parties to understand who they will nominate for the post of prime minister. When this becomes clear, we will understand whether a coalition with Macron’s party can be established or not. They cannot govern with 190 MPs; they need 289 MPs. No matter how much they say that they will not enter the coalition, they will be forced to form a coalition either with Emmanuel Macron or with more extreme right-wing forces,” Anahit Hakobyan concluded.