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Armenia between “sovereignty in Pashinyan’s understanding” and “Overchuk’s hints”

July 02 2024, 14:30

In the 21st century, it is difficult to talk about fully sovereign states. The interdependence of the countries of the world virtually knows no borders, which is why the US economic sanctions against Russia are hitting the EU as well. That is why China, which controls the global solar market, applies sanctions against the United States in this component of trade. Economic interdependence can also lead to political interdependence, resulting in the fact that fully sovereign states do not actually exist.

One of the ways to increase sovereignty is to achieve maximum self-sufficiency. The notorious import substitution, which Russia has been talking about for a whole decade, is precisely this—an increase in the level of sovereignty.

Armenia, apparently, has some other interpretation of the concept of “sovereignty”, which is manifested in the fact that, on the one hand, it has become part of the struggle of Western globalists against Russia and Iran, and on the other hand, the “sovereign authorities” of Armenia declare that since 2018 they have been doing everything so that “Armenia ceases to be Russia’s outpost,” but as soon as Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexey Overchuk “raises his voice” and Maria Zakharova recalls the “secretaries”, Nikol Pashinyan says that holding a referendum on EU membership is impractical. Moreover, on the same day, he sends the Armenian Ambassador to Russia, Vagharshak Harutyunyan, to Belgorod, a Russian city that suffers from the Armed Forces of Ukraine almost the most after Donetsk.

But do not be fooled; Pashinyan does not make a 180-degree turn and “does not return to the CSTO.” This is just a tactical move: if Russia does not repel the autumn offensive of Ukraine, Macron, in the style of Pashinyan, pulls off electoral fraud, and the Democratic Party in the United States nominates a more or less acceptable presidential candidate, Pashinyan himself may go to the Ukrainian Bucha.

Another important point is that when you are fundamentally not sovereign, there will always be those in your environment who are ready to replace you, who almost every day send signals to the West that they are “ready to be more Pashinyan than Nikol himself.” Therefore, Pashinyan will soon “throw mud at Russia” again.

Moreover, regardless of Pashinyan’s own opinion, Ankara and Baku do not abandon their demands on Armenia, requirements implying a change of the Constitution. People will also need to be “driven” to the polling stations. This is exactly what tales about the EU membership referendum are for.

And that is why Pashinyan cannot abandon the idea pushed by his political staff, which, by the way, is already preparing an alibi for the current government in case of a new war, stating (leader of the Hanrapetutyun party Aram Sargsyan) that thanks to the referendum on EU membership (which can be held by the Armenian authorities but will not have any legal consequences for Brussels), “the government will have a consolidated people, who, in the event of war, will assume the same responsibility to resist the war as the government itself”.

Think about it…