This is a deadly invitation. Alexey Leonkov about Pashinyan’s visit to London

July 19 2024, 09:52

Opinion | Politics

In a conversation with Alpha News, Russian military analyst Alexey Leonkov referred to RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s visit to London to participate in the European Political Cooperation Summit.

“The thing is that such trips are a certain sign, which means that Pashinyan prefers European integration. In other words, he wants Armenia to follow the Ukrainian scenario. In 2008, in Bucharest, Ukraine was promised NATO membership, and we are now seeing what it led to. Pashinyan is developing the same scenario.

And I think that it will have a negative impact on the fate of Armenia in the future. The world is changing, and the conditions with which Ukraine started, for example, were more favorable, and now the conditions are such that it is a fatal invitation, but Pashinyan, as I understand, does not care, because his personal interests are not connected with Armenia . They are somewhere else, where he has a comfortable house, where he will spend his old age and write his memoirs,” Leonkov believes.

According to the expert, Pashinyan is coordinating his actions with Azerbaijan, and from this point of view, the parallel visit of the official delegation of Baku to London is not accidental.

“This is a team that once played a tragedy with Nagorno Karabakh, and we saw how it ended. Although Pashinyan’s circle is doing everything upside down. It is said that Russia handed over Nagorno-Karabakh, they specially put peacekeepers there in order to hand over Karabakh to Azerbaijan. In fact, everyone who was an eyewitness saw that everything was exactly the opposite,” our interlocutor concluded.