Turkey’s preconditions have become conditions that are already being fulfilled – Mher Abrahamyan

September 26 2024, 20:00

Opinion | Politics

Turkey wants to put into oblivion all the tools in Armenia that were aimed at the process of recognizing the Armenian Genocide, Turkologist Mher Abrahamyan told Alpha News.

“Erdogan’s preconditions are not new in Armenian reality; however, today we see that these preconditions have become conditions, and they are already being fulfilled. When it comes to Erdogan’s speech from the UN rostrum, I would like to note that it was clearly emphasized that only the conditions proposed by Turkey should be in Armenia-Azerbaijan relations. And these preconditions are, most likely, related to the ‘Zangezur corridor’, which is an age-old dream of Turkey.

They want to put into oblivion all the tools in Armenia that were aimed at the process of recognizing the Armenian Genocide. That is, there are two specific conditions: the Zangezur Corridor, which means defining the borders, and forgetting the process of recognizing the Armenian Genocide,” Abrahamyan said.

The Turkologist stressed that Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s visit to the “Turkish House” is a diplomatic tragedy.

“Turks summon various officials to the Turkish House when these officials ask for a meeting with the Turkish president or senior officials. This suggests that it was Pashinyan’s idea to come there and meet with Erdogan. Moreover, Erdogan always greets his guests at the entrance, but this time he was standing in the room, and Pashinyan approached him. This was also a violation that our government circles did not pay attention to or did not want to pay attention to. Of course, this visit was a mistake, as it is a humiliating step for Armenia. Erdogan would never have visited the Armenian hearth, even in the Diaspora. In other words, Nikol Pashinyan’s visit to the Turkish House is a diplomatic tragedy,” Abrahamyan concluded.