Aram Shahnazaryan: Iran does not need additional tension now, that’s why it does not talk about Azerbaijan or Israel

May 21 2024, 15:50


Iran’s political situation is stable, there is no panic in the political field or society, Aram Shahnazaryan, the editor-in-chief of the Alik daily, told Alpha News.

“Every community experiences shock after similar incidents. The Iranian public has the same situation to a certain extent. The public is trying to understand what has happened, how future developments may unfold, and what their possible consequences may be. The political situation is stable; there is no panic in the political field or society.

The announcements at the state level are aimed at maintaining internal political stability and public peace. At the present time, talking about the internal political crisis or panic is pointless. It is out of the question,” he said.

Shahnazaryan commented on the possibility of the tragic accident being orchestrated by Israel or Azerbaijan.

“Although there are rumors and speculations among Internet users and some experts about the possibility of Azerbaijan and Israel being behind this, there is no hint about it at the official state level. We are talking solely about the accident due to adverse weather conditions. It is obvious that at the moment the Iranian authorities and state officials do not need additional tension, especially on the external front; that’s why there are no talks about it now,” Aram Shahnazaryan concluded.