France MFA calls for UNSC emergency meeting on Artsakh
September 19 2023, 17:59

The French Foreign Ministry issued a statement on the situation in Artsakh.
“France strongly condemns Azerbaijan’s launch of a military operation in Nagorno-Karabakh with the use of heavy weapons against populated areas.
Nothing can justify such unilateral actions that threaten thousands of civilians already suffering from the illegal blockade that has lasted for many months, and contradict the efforts of the international community to achieve a negotiated settlement.
France calls on Azerbaijan to immediately stop the fire and return to respect for international law.
France calls for the urgent convening of a meeting of the United Nations Security Council. It is working closely with its European and American partners to give a decisive response to this unacceptable offensive in proportion to the risks it poses to the security of the region,” the French Foreign Ministry said in a statement.