Konstantin Sivkov: The best solution is the recognition of Nagorno-Karabakh as a separate state

August 23 2023, 21:21


In the live broadcast with Alpha Newsroom, military expert Konstantin Sivkov noted that regional quarrels must be stopped and conflicts should be avoided.

“Russia is extremely concerned about the growing military tension in this region between the Armenian and Azerbaijani peoples. For us, for Russians, for me personally, these are our fraternal peoples, we have lived in the same country for many years. Therefore, these quarrels must be stopped.

But, considering that Armenia is part of the CSTO, Armenia has Russian bases on its territory, most importantly, Armenia is part of the unified air defense system in the Southwestern southern strategic direction, of course, Armenia is much closer and more important to Russia in all respects. As for the freezing of the status of Nagorno-Karabakh, this is an intermediate state which will last until the resolution of the main problems in the western theatre of military operations. It will not take long. And after that, the time will come for the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, so that it satisfies all the opposing sides. I believe it will be resolved to the extent that any serious conflicts will not be allowed in the future.

I believe that Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan will be able to come to an agreement without bloodshed so that Nagorno-Karabakh gets the status that satisfies all parties. In my opinion, the best solution could be the recognition of the sovereignty of Nagorno-Karabakh as a separate state,” Sivkov concluded.