Levon Baronian: The City of Los Angeles has serious issues that are not being solved

November 18 2023, 16:50

Opinion | Politics

If the bill passed by the US Senate is ratified, Biden will be deprived of the right to provide military aid to Azerbaijan, Levon Baronian, a candidate for Los Angeles City Council, said in an interview with Alpha News.

“In recent years, President Biden, exercising special presidential rights, bypassed the law according to which it was forbidden to provide military aid to Azerbaijan. It is true that this aid should not have been directed against Armenia, but after receiving it, Azerbaijan decided for itself how to use its resources. It turns out that if the ‘Armenian Protection Act of 2023’ passed by the US Senate is ratified, then President Biden will be deprived of the right to provide military aid to Azerbaijan,” Baronian said.

Speaking about the silence of the Diaspora after the loss of Artsakh, Baronian noted:

“People in the Diaspora react to what they see in their homeland. Unfortunately, we saw that Armenia has become indifferent to Artsakh in recent years. And the Diaspora, seeing the indifference of Yerevan in particular, thinks why we should do what they should have done.”