‘Having it both ways is counterproductive’: Franz Klintsevich on peace treaty between Yerevan and Baku

November 25 2023, 12:25

Opinion | Politics

Ex-senator of Russia’s Federation Council Franz Klintsevich commented to Alpha News about the possible signing of a peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan and warned the political leadership of Armenia against rash steps towards Russia.

“The vague, absolutely unprincipled, multi-vector policy of the political leadership of Armenia will lead, in my opinion, to the fact that Armenia will not sign the agreement. Because the Americans won’t allow it. I warn you, as a person who has lived a long life, been in many wars, and seen a lot. What is happening today in our agreements and relationships is incomprehensible to me.

I cannot give any assessments to the leadership of Armenia. There is a different awareness, different approaches, but the passion for American sponsorship, as experience has shown, especially in Ukraine, will turn out to be very deplorable for the people. Ukraine has lost its subjectivity and, I am afraid, it will soon lose its state representation in international organizations in general and will lose itself as a country.

Armenia may be under the same threat. Moreover, in the not very prosperous environment in which Armenia finds itself today.

And I want to reiterate. I don’t understand what the Armenian authorities are trying to achieve under these conditions. Having it both ways, preferring the Americans and imitating that they are with Russia and with the CSTO, will not work. This is counterproductive, politically incorrect, strategically wrong, and this is a betrayal of our historical ties, our friendship, and the great serious support that Russia has provided for centuries to the Armenian people, loved and respected in Russia,” Klintsevich stressed.