Khayal Muazzin: Azerbaijan will leave political differences aside and enhance relations with Iran

January 09 2024, 12:20

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Iranian journalist Khayal Muazzin commented on Iran’s statement that the bridge between Iran and Azerbaijan will contribute to the development of transit communications between the two countries.

According to the expert, it is now important for Iran to improve relations with neighboring countries.

“One of the main foreign policy tasks of the current Iranian government now is to raise relations with neighboring countries to a high level, be it Azerbaijan, Armenia, or other countries. As we know, the world is moving towards a new world order, new political maps are being formed, and in terms of transit, Iran holds a prominent place in the new world order. Iran’s neighboring countries also understand this very well and therefore strive to forge relationships with Iran.

I would like to note that instead of turning to the West, Armenia should also maintain relations with neighboring countries at a high level and maintain its importance in transit. This will make Armenia one of the most important players in the region.

I believe that the opening of a new transit corridor will greatly benefit Iran’s economy, as well as global trade,” the expert noted.

Speaking about how political disagreements between Iran and Azerbaijan could affect transit, the expert said that Azerbaijan perfectly understands Iran’s role in the new world order, in particular, in terms of transit.

“Therefore, it will strive to enhance relations with Iran and leave political differences aside, or resolve problems through political means,” the expert concluded.