Relations between Russia and Armenia are shrouded in a fog of uncertainty. Sergey Stankevich

July 25 2024, 13:51


Russian political scientist Sergey Stankevich touched upon the Armenian-Russian relations in an interview with Alpha News today.

“Today, relations between Russia and Armenia are in a fog of uncertainty. All the basic conditions that form these relationships remain unchanged. In other words, Armenia remains a military and political ally of Russia, since it is a member of the alliance of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).

In addition, Armenia remains Russia’s most important trade and economic partner, as it is part of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). And Armenia has important bilateral strategic relations with Russia, since there is a Russian military base on the territory of Armenia, and all this is formalized by a rather serious agreement. These most important formative foundations remain,” Stankevich said.

According to the expert, Armenia’s demonstrative rapprochement with Brussels and Washington is causing growing anger in the Kremlin.

“Armenia’s foreign policy behavior is becoming more and more ambiguous. Russia is still in an acute geopolitical conflict with the European Union and NATO. And against the background of this conflict, Armenia’s demonstrative rapprochement with Brussels and Washington is causing growing anger in the Kremlin. This does not mean that Russia is preparing for active action.

At the same time, it is clear that such uncertainty cannot last long. And it will be necessary to explain this ambiguity somehow,” Stankevich said.