The Armenian community of the Czech Republic: Appeals and letters did not produce a positive result, however they provided information base

August 19 2023, 16:40


The Armenian community of the Czech Republic has sent letters to the heads of the highest bodies of the country, demanding to impose sanctions against Azerbaijan and recognize the independence of Artsakh, Hakob Asatryan, editor-in-chief of the European “Orer” magazine said on the Alpha News live broadcast.

“During this time, on behalf of the community, we sent letters to all the governing bodies of the Czech Republic: the president, the prime minister, the chairmen of both houses of the parliament, the foreign minister, and called on them not only to contribute to the unblocking of Artsakh, but also to impose sanctions against Azerbaijan on the European Union scale, and to recognize the independence of Artsakh. We have sent such letters to EU leaders, the European Parliament, and the Council of Europe,” Hakob Asatryan said.

According to him, although neither the letters nor the appeals have produced any positive results, they have provided information base to the Europeans.

“The past 8 months have shown that the appeals and letters do not produce any positive results, however they provide a certain information base, put pressure on these structures and politicians, so that they feel that Europe cannot stay away from the pain that the people of Artsakh are experiencing today.

There will also be some protests in the near future. Protests on a pan-European scale should be held in Brussels,” Hakob Asatryan concluded.