Hakob Badalyan: The US intends to create a situation in the Caucasus that will force Russia to come to an agreement

November 17 2023, 10:33

Opinion | Politics

The statement by US State Department spokesperson James O’Brien regarding the influence of Russia and Iran in the region was not news or a surprise, political commentator Hakob Badalyan told Alpha News, referring to James O’Brien’s statement that it is undesirable for Armenia and Azerbaijan to build a future witha Russia and Iran.

“The lack of cooperation opportunities with Russia and Iran is of key importance for the United States. US officials have been quite open about their concerns over growing cooperation with Russia and Iran, and they consider this cooperation dangerous or risky for the South Caucasus. It is clear that the United States views this cooperation as a barrier against its strategic goals or prospects of its influence in the Caucasus,” Badalyan said.

The political commentator believes that Iran will refrain from steps that could destabilize the region.

“Of course, it is possible that some events will force Iran to act, but Iran will do everything possible to prevent any escalation. In my view, Iran’s policy will be based on diplomacy rather than a show of force,” Badalyan emphasized.

The political commentator does not entirely agree with the view that the United States’ goal is to oust Russia from the region. On the contrary, in his opinion, the United States intends to create a situation in the South Caucasus that will force Russia to agree with the United States, specifically around American visions.

“I do not rule out that the United States has a goal to oust Russia from the region, but I think that we are rather dealing with an option that will create problems for Russia and force it to come to an agreement. I believe that the balance in the region suggests that Russia’s presence here is also necessary for the United States,” Badalyan added.