As long as Pashinyan leads Armenia, Yerevan will sign anything — Vitaly Tretyakov

September 27 2024, 10:26

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Vitaly Tretyakov, Dean of the MSU High School of Television, Russian journalist and political scientist, commented on the talks between Baku and Yerevan.

According to the expert, as long as Pashinyan leads Armenia, Yerevan will sign anything it is asked to.

“I would not like to say anything bad about Armenia, but under the current leadership it will be difficult to do so. I have not seen the text of the peace treaty, so we cannot assess the prospects for its adoption. But as long as Pashinyan leads Armenia, Armenia will sign anything that anyone demands from it, except Russia. The Armenian leadership does not care about Russia now. But Pashinyan will sign everything Turkey, the Americans, or Baku demand.

I do not know the details of the agreement, what is stipulated there, except for peace, whether the conditions, borders, and fate of Nagorno-Karabakh are stipulated there, or whether the population displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh is mentioned there. Azerbaijan is ready to sign the agreement because it won, it holds all the cards, and it got everything it wanted. Naturally, it is important for Azerbaijan to have its victory documented. At the same time, it is clear that Armenia is losing something, and to find out what else is written down there and what Armenia gets in return, we need to read the text of this agreement,” Tretyakov said.

According to the political scientist, Turkey cannot be considered a mediator at all.

“Turkey is on Azerbaijan’s side. As far as I understand, the positions of Baku and Ankara coincide by 99%. But if Yerevan recognizes Turkey as a mediator, this is Yerevan’s choice. Turkey, of course, is one of the parties, it is on Azerbaijan’s side, therefore, in its pure classical form, it cannot be considered a neutral mediator,” Tretyakov concluded.