Artsakh TV will be mouthpiece of Artsakh people – Narek Sahakyan

July 03 2024, 10:50


With Artsakh TV, we will try to be the mouthpiece of the Artsakh people as well as their guide and advisor, Narek Sahakyan, a journalist for Artsakh Public Television, told Alpha News.

“Our main goal is to continue the mission of Artsakh Public Television. Unfortunately, after the forced displacement in 2023, we found ourselves in a situation where Artsakh Public Television cannot function, but we, with a small staff of the same team, created a journalistic organization called ‘10th Province’, the first project of which is Artsakh Television. Through this television, we will try to become the mouthpiece of the Artsakh people, as well as their guide and advisor,” Sahakyan said.

Speaking about the launch of the project, he noted that it is not Artsakh Public Television that is being reopened, but Artsakh Television.

“It will be called Artsakh Public Television again after we return to our historical homeland, Artsakh, with the implementation of collective rights of return. At this stage, we will be called Artsakh TV, which is more acceptable from a legal and moral point of view. I must note that the project is being launched on the initiative of a group of people dedicated to their cause. This is a public demand because, immediately after the forced displacement, all our citizens constantly asked each of us when we will start working. Artsakh residents trust Artsakh Public TV and need its advice, so we must remain true to our mission. Despite the small staff, we begin our work with a big dream,” Narek Sahakyan said.