Pashinyan’s hesitations are not the position of a politician with whom one can conduct serious negotiations, expert says

July 04 2024, 13:30


Speaking with Alpha News, Russian military analyst Alexei Leonkov commented on Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s statement that there is no need to hold a referendum on Armenia’s accession to the EU.

“The thing is that when Pashinyan states that he is now organizing a referendum and then canceling it, it is clear that he is in a hurry, or maybe they are rushing him to carry out the fastest possible integration, to pull Armenia away from the CSTO and other agreements with the progressive part of the world community. At the same time, his hesitation is connected with the fact that he is less and less in control of the situation in Armenia. There is a growing protest movement there that demands his resignation.

But he was given certain tasks, apparently, when he was brought to power, some of which he no longer fulfills. Trying to fulfill all this as quickly as possible, he makes mistakes. So, he announces some plans that the Armenian people allegedly supported, and when it turns out that the Armenian people will not support them, he backs out.

His hesitations indicate that, in fact, as a politician, he is losing his importance, or rather, his authority. This is understandable. Well, and, at the same time, he is completely controlled by the West. He is not a sovereign politician or the prime minister of a country that still retains its own sovereignty. This is what these vacillations are connected with,” Leonkov added.

According to Leonkov, official Moscow does not actually view the Armenian prime minister as a serious subject of political dialogue.

“These hesitations, in which he tries to ‘play both sides’, are not the position of a politician with whom one can conduct serious negotiations. So, Pashinyan’s credibility is falling with each eccentric antics, it is already at zero,” Leonkov concluded.